13 Mar 2011

A Diamond under a Majestic Oak and Oak Wall has been Breached

Under a majestic oak tree, hidden from view above Rosedale lies a diamond of a boulder. Having paid a visit to the crag in early summer last year (Link), thick bracken put me off a full investgation of the boulder-field. At this time I had only seen the highball broken slab thinking it looked highball but quite easy?
How wrong I was - This time bracken-free and joined by Jake, Sam and Tom the full potential of the boulders could be seen.
The Thorgill circuit map - First Draft
Roasted Ore 6a+*** The Ore Boulders - Classic
The left arete is also good - never finished it - kept plonking my bottom on the broken slab! Must eat less take-out!
Jake on the brilliant traverse - Crossing the Rails 5+** - The Calcine Boulders
Working out the projects - The left hand is hard to start - the arete is easier to start; but topping out is hard! Needs to be a bit drier.
Sam on own problem - A chisel a pick and a walking stick - SS 6b+** - The Work Break Boulder
Thorsminde SS 6c**
The Thorgill Diamond - A real gem with three lines. Both aretes and a central line all from sit - this time round did the left hand from sit but never topped out (too the right of the nose). It was tricky even when dry. 
Holding the sloper
Finally the Mighty Oak falls! at Oak crag - Local climber Mike Gray cuts loose on a great first ascent of this worthy problem. The grade has not yet been confirmed. Well done.

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